Materials List

JPLT3-4 Level

1- 1.Syllabary(ひらがな と カタカナ:HIRAGANA to KATAKANA)
1- 2.Number(すうじ:suuji)
1- 3. Useful sentence in the class
1- 4. Greeting(あいさつ:aisatu)
1- 5. Self-introduction(じこしょうかい:jikosyoukai)
1- 6. This is a “***”.(これは “***”です。:korewa “***” desu)
1- 7. Here is the “***”.(ここは “***”です。:kokowa “***” desu))
1- 8. It’s 10 o’clock now.(いまは 10じ です。:imawa 10ji desu)
1- 9. I will go to “***”.( “***”に いきます: “***” ni ikimasu)
1-10. I (verb)(objective).
1-11. (Subject)is (adjective).
1-12. I like a “***”.(わたしは、”***”がすきです:watashiwa “***”ga sukidesu)
1-13. why and because
1-14. Is there “***”?(”***”がいます:”***”ga imasu)
1-15. The picture is on the desk.
1-16. There are 5 desks in the class room.
1-17. It was rainy yesterday.
1-18. Which do you like?
1-19. I want a “***”.
1-20. I go to France to learn French food.
1-21. Please wait
1-22. Shall I open the window?
1-23. Can I , May I
1-24. after , then
1-25. How to
1-26. negative form of verb
1-27. Please don’t “***”.
1-28. I must “***”.
1-29. You don’t need to “***”
1-30. I can “verb” “noun”_1
1-31. I can “verb” “noun”_2
1-32. before
1-33. To play tennis
1-34. past tense
1-35. Express experience
1-36. do something and something …
1-37. It become …
1-38. I think 〜
1-39. I say that 〜
1-40. Do you 〜 (spoken language question form)
1-41. postpositional particle of Japanese
1-42. modifier
1-43. adjective
1-44. Inflection of verbs
1-45. When 〜, …
1-46. 〜ing …
1-47. give and receive
1-48. Particle : subject+が(ga)
1-49. verb+ます(masu)。/あります(arimasu)。/です(desu)。
1-50. (Conditional sentence)

1-51. Please , Could you
1-52. Should I ~ : (verb ta form)+ら いいですか?
1-53. I can ~ : 私は日本語を話せます。 – I can speak Japanese.
1-54. できる – dekiru / できます – dekimasu
1-55. も – mo – also
1-56. しか – shika – only , だけ – dake – only
1-57. 前に – before , 後で – after
1-58. 海はきれいです。 – The sea is beautiful